Item 41:  Rename the Ferry Committee…

The Ferry Committee name should remain unchanged.  The Committee has always acted in an advisory capacity to the Skagit County Commissioners.   The name should be left the Guemes Ferry Committee to emphasize the historic connection of future committees to past committees.  In addition, 72% of the respondents to the questionnaire said they were aware of the Ferry Committee.  A name change will add confusion.


Item 42:  County Commissioners should adopt a Resolution

Suggested  wording for the resolution accompanies this letter for presentation to the Commissioners.


Item 43:  The County should consider broadening committee membership…

The Ferry Committee represents all ridership. Reference Ferry Committee Charter D. 6  that provides for open nominations from the floor.


Item 44:  Elections should be… for specified terms.

Public elections have always been held to fill positions on the Ferry Committee.  See the enclosed charter, Section D that defines the frequency of elections and sets terms for each representative.


Item 45:  Public Works should present its management and policy agenda…

The Ferry Committee looks forward to receiving the management and policy agenda from the Dept. of Public Works.  The Ferry Committee reports to the Skagit County Board of Commissioners.  The Ferry Committee should not be managed by the Public Works Department or any other organization.   The Ferry Committee has always looked for a positive relationship with the Public Works Department.


Item 46:  The Committee should meet monthly…

Meetings are defined under Section E. of the referenced Charter.


Item 47:  The County should work with the FAC…

While it is unusual for a citizen’s committee to have its meeting agendas set by a County agency, the Ferry Committee looks forward to working with the Public Works Department as it moves from a reactive mode to proactive management of the Ferry System.  The Ferry Committee will continue to develop its own agenda.


Item 48:  The Department and the FAC should work together…

The Ferry Committee looks forward to continue to work with the County on all Ferry related matters.


Item 49:  … Community dialog…

Community dialog continued on January 4th ,2003.


Item 50:  …Outreach Plan…

Once the County is proactively managing the Ferry System, the need for an outreach program will be minimized..