Guemes Island Ferry Committee
 Meeting Minutes
7:00 PM

Present:     Carl Cady, Glen Veal, Marilee Fosbre, Dixon Elder, Steve Orsini


• Discussion of GIFC meeting procedure

• Review and Acceptance of Minutes from GIFC public meeting held 1/4/03

• Review and acceptance of Minutes from GIFC work meeting held 1/5/03

• Review and response to the Scope of Work for Berk and Associates Guemes Island Ferry Implementation Plan

• Discussion of GIFC Web Site

• Dissemination of GIFC Meeting Minutes and Materials

  Request for information from

  Parking lot contact information

1.     The Committee agreed to establish a prioritized agenda at the beginning of each work meeting. Minutes will be taken during the meeting, a draft will be disseminated after the meeting by email, comments will be made by return email and the revised minutes will receive final approval at the following meeting. Committee members will rotate responsibility for taking meeting minutes.

2.     The minutes of the GIFC public meeting held 1/4/03 were approved.

3.    The minutes of the GIFC work meeting held 1/5/03 were approved.

4.    The proposed scope of work for the Guemes Island Ferry Implementation Plan was reviewed and a response by the GIFC was formulated. A draft of this response will be circulated by email and finalized at the 1/26/03 GIFC work meeting. The GIFC members will present this response to the Skagit County Public Works and County Commissioners at the meetings on 1/27/03.

5.     Steve Orisini and Dixon Elder presented preliminary cost estimates for developing and maintaining a GIFC web site. Dixon reported that he has asked the Guemes Island Library to determine if they might be able to let the committee use their ISP to host the GIFC site. Carol Pellet has agreed to research this.

The committee agreed to go forward with the plan to have a web site and approved the current site developed by Dixon Eider. The name of the site will be


6.    The committee discussed the best way to disseminate meeting minutes and documents generated at both the work meetings and public meetings. A decision was made to locate copies of all documents at both the Guemes Island Library and Andersen's Store pending approval by the store owner. Meeting minutes will also be posted at the Ferry Terminal in Anacortes and the waiting area on Guemes. All documents will be available on the GIFC web site.

7.     The list of questions received from was reviewed. Due to time constraints the committee was not able to finalize a response at the meeting. A draft response will be circulated among committee members this week and finalized at the 1/27/03 meeting. The final response will then be given to

8.    The committee discussed the need to disseminate the names of people who can

be contacted to voice support for expanded Ferry parking on the Anacortes side and in particular the issue of the brick building. Glen Veal will contact Max Benjamin who has this information and will provide it at the 1/26/03 meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:00 PM