
Guemes Island Ferry Committee

Working Meeting of 02 February 2003



Meeting Commenced:  7:00 PM

Committee Members Present:

1.       Carl Cady

2.       Glen Veal

3.       Marilee Fosbre

4.       Dixon Elder

5.       Steve Orsini

Additional Attendees:

1.       None:

Agenda Items:

1.       Meeting Minutes Process

2.       IBU Complaint

3.       GIFC Communications Plan Revision

4.       Approval of Meeting Minutes

5.       Task Force Participation

6.       WWW.Linetime.Org

7.       Mailing Address

8.       Working Meetings Location

9.       Operating Expenses

10.   Management Study

Agenda Discussions:

1.       Posting Meeting Minutes: The need to review and post the minutes of Ferry Committee meetings in a timely manner was discussed.  It was determined to establish a timetable that would result in the posting of minutes to the Committee Website within one week from the date of the meeting.  The following timetable was adopted:  The secretary for the meeting will post the draft minutes by the third day following the meeting, the rest of the Committee will have two days to make corrections or changes and return suggested changes to the secretary.  The secretary shall implement changes and send the final draft to the webmaster for posting on website.

2.       Complaint Charging Unfair Labor Practices by Inland Boatman's Union against Skagit Co.: A copy was presented for review. This IBU complaint is a result of the County's implementation of the Coast Guard's recent requirement to reduce the 12.5 hour shifts. It was determined that no Committee response was requested, or necessary, at this time.

3.       Revision of Ferry Committee Communication Plan.: The original plan proposed posting of all documents received by the Committee.  It was determined unanimously that the Committee would reserve the right to post only germane items.

4.       Approval of 1/26/03 and 1/27/03 Minutes:  Minutes for the 1/26 Committee working meeting and the meetings on 1/27/03 with Public Works and Board of County Commissioners were approved for posting to the Ferry Committee Website..

5.       Task Force Participation: Steve Flude of Public Works has requested that the Ferry Committee elect a date in the near future to meet with Public Works and Bonnie Berk & Assoc. to review key issues, ground rules, and communication channels for the proposed Ferry Task Force.  A general discussion of the makeup of the members of the Task Force was discussed.  It was determined that a member from GIPAC (Guemes Island Planning Advisory Committee) should be included and that the crew member(s) include a Captain. The date of Feb. 14, was chosen to review and respond to the Task Force proposal.  Glen will make a call to Flude to confirm and establish a time for this meeting.

6.       ) WWW.Linetime.Org.  The need to develop mutually acceptable time guidelines for posting of information was discussed.  The possibility of a meeting with Linetime organizers to discuss mutual concerns was proposed.  It was decided to research future possible dates for such a meeting.

7.       )Mailing address:  The possibility of having an independent Ferry Committee mailing address was discussed.   It was determined this may not be affordable, or necessary, at this time.  The item was tabled..

8.       Location for Feb. 9, 2003, Ferry C. Working Meeting:  The possibility of holding working Ferry Committee meetings at either the Fire Hall or Library was discussed.  Dixon has made a request to Fire Commissioner Jim Dugan and is awaiting a reply.  Merilee will contact Carol Pellett to explore the possibility of meeting at the Library..

9.       Operating Expenses:  Although there are no funds presently available, the need for money to cover website and other communication expenses was discussed.  When money is eventually received, it was determined that the expense of maintaining a bank account might make it necessary to pay expenses under  the umbrella of  an existing organization such as the Community Center Assoc.  Glen will look into this and report back.

10.   Final Comments on Management Study: In order to prepare final comments for the Feb. 14, 2003, deadline, it was determined to prepare and email individual comments to other Committee members prior to the Feb. 9. meeting in order to help facilitate final compilation at the Feb. 9 meeting. Also to develop an alternative plan for implementation of the draft Management Analysis study for presentation to Public Works on February 14th .

Meeting Adjourned:  10:00 PM